Compare our Pumps

To help you choose the best pump for your needs, we have two charts to compare the pumps we make.

One shows the maximum Flowrate and the maximum Pressure that the pumps will do. Flowrate is shown in litres per hour. Pressure is shown in psi and vertical lift in metres.

One shows the maximum Pressure and the required Electrical Power to achieve it. Power requirements are shown in HP (horsepower). Pressure is shown in psi and vertical lift in metres. All pumps are designed for a 1450 rpm output.

If you want to use a petrol or diesel motor, you will need to 3x the power shown on the chart then will need to reduce the rpm to match the 1450 rpm that the pumps are designed for. Usually this will require a 2x reduction box as most petrol/diesel output 3000-4000 rpm. It is also recommended not to pump mount a petrol/diesel motor as they produce a lot of vibrations that can affect the life span of the pump.

If you have any questions or queries, then please contact us on 03 3844 161 or email us at